Air Navigation

Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) is the regulator of civil aviation as well as the service provider in the areas of Air Navigation Services and Aerodrome Operations.

The Air Navigation Service Directorate (ANSD), as a part of service provider, is responsible to initiate different projects and programs for modernization, operation and strengthening of CNS and ATM activities at different remote and regional domestic airports of Nepal. ANSD is established to take initiation for operation, management and supervision of CNS, ATM, AIM, Domestic Airport facilitation and Air Space Management for the Domestic Airport within the organization in lieu with ICAO standard for safe, smooth and reliable aviation activities with its five departments and ten divisions. They are:

  1. ATM Department
  1. Domestic Airport and Facilitation Department
  1. Com. & Nav. Aid Department
  1. CNS Planning & Development Department
  1. AIM Department